In case you don't know, the seven younglings are Bumblebee (of course), Arcee (another of course), Valiturum (or Val, whom I made up; his name is the Latin word for strength), Fastlane, Cloudraker (these two are real Autobots, but the only place I heard of them was on an online list of characters, so I've never really seen them before), and then Skids and Mudflap (because they haven't grown up in the last few centuries already so I think they must be children). It was really fun getting the chance to expand on Fastlane and Cloudraker especially because honestly they were only names in my longer story. And now they're not! Hooray! And then Bumblebee and Arcee and the others are always fun to write about too. :)
Anyway, you should go and read it! I wish there was a smiley face that could express just how gleeful I feel. They are just so gosh darn adorable! I think the only thing I can do right now is squee.
You may be confused. I was disappointed with myself because I still can't get that short (Ha ha! Short. Pfft!) TF Christmas story polished off, and I really wanted to have at least one more story put up before the year ended. So when this idea flew over and smacked me in the head, I quickly wrote it down. In like, three hours too. ;3 And all while watching a Transformers marathon for New Year's Eve. (Actually my mom's idea, which is kind of cool) And, if I may say (and I can because it's my blog), it's just so gosh darn adorable! If I could, I'd write it again just to see how it plays out in all its cuteness again! n_n Luv it!
And now for an excerpt, to entice and ensnare you and remind you that reviews and comments are always appreciated, even for cute little stories like these.
What stupid thing is Fastlane planning? What do they want in Wheeljack's lab? And will the adults nab them before they find it? Go read to find out! It's titled Bang, Flash, Boom! at and my pen name is Rose's.wings.
Or you could follow the link. You know, just saying. Whatever floats your interstellar boat.
Oh, and HAPPY NEW YEAR! Because you should enjoy it you know, since apparently it's going to be the last one before the world ends. ;p Maybe by large autonomous robots even. Ha! XP
n_n Later then,
Oh, and P.S. - since that one girl was kind enough to pity Katara in her comment I thought you might also be pleased to hear that she has been released from her Cone of Shame. Which is good for everybody involved since us humans in the house no longer have to worry about getting new bruises on the back of our ankles. *Whew*
And now for an excerpt, to entice and ensnare you and remind you that reviews and comments are always appreciated, even for cute little stories like these.
Of course Wheeljack’s lab wasn’t empty when they got
that would have been too easy.” Fastlane grumbled as he and the other
younglings peered out from behind the open door to Wheeljack’s lab. Not only
was the inventor himself there, but so were Ratchet and Prowl.
“So what’s going on?”
Skids pressed.
Fastlane gave a frustrated growl. “Does it even matter?
We already know that they’re in there and they’re obviously not leaving.”
“So…?” Mudflap let the question hang.
Fastlane slowly grinned as an idea lit in his head. “So
we get them to leave.”
Cloudraker knew that look on his brother’s face and it
did not sit well with him. “Fastlane? What stupid thing are you going to do
now?” He asked flatly.
grinned wolfishly as he backed away from the other three. “You’ll find out in a
What stupid thing is Fastlane planning? What do they want in Wheeljack's lab? And will the adults nab them before they find it? Go read to find out! It's titled Bang, Flash, Boom! at and my pen name is Rose's.wings.
Or you could follow the link. You know, just saying. Whatever floats your interstellar boat.
Oh, and HAPPY NEW YEAR! Because you should enjoy it you know, since apparently it's going to be the last one before the world ends. ;p Maybe by large autonomous robots even. Ha! XP
n_n Later then,
Oh, and P.S. - since that one girl was kind enough to pity Katara in her comment I thought you might also be pleased to hear that she has been released from her Cone of Shame. Which is good for everybody involved since us humans in the house no longer have to worry about getting new bruises on the back of our ankles. *Whew*