Bonus Picture! :) This is the same photo I put up the other day of Sokka lounging under the tree (really he was hiding from my sister so he wouldn't have to go to bed. Mom swears he's like a two year old. But then I guess that's fair since I think he is actually two now...) But unlike the other day this one is oversaturated and awesome because of it! :P I was fixing up the photo for the other day when I accidentally put the saturation to 100% and I thought it looked cool with all the bright, ridiculous colors. So I kept it. :)
Saturday, December 22, 2012
The Plastic Forest & The Lost Prime
Day 22 - More Christmas merch from Hobby Lobby. As weird as it may sound I rather liked this picture, despite the extra large sale signs that sort of stand out like emergency sirens (^-.-^ Mrs. Mittens didn't like them very much either...)
I think what I liked best about the trees is that I think if I stood in the middle of them all it would feel kind of like standing in the middle of a forest. A perfumed, plasticky, not-very-piney forest but still.
Oh! Dad has just saved Kreon Optimus Prime from the depths of the couch! I didn't even know he was under there...
Me: o.O
OP: -.-
Me: I-I didn't even know you were lost...
OP: }:s
Me: I'm, uh....sorry?
OP: Mmm-hmmm....I'm telling Santa.
Me: O.O NOOOO! OP wait!!!!!
OP - }:p Ha ha! Teach you to leave me under that nasty couch! Oh, by the way, your lost socks say hello.
Me: o.o I thought the dryer ate them ages ago...
Look! He's got a cupcake! :D
Day 21 - Was going to post this last night, but upload was taking forever. So I put it off til today. I saw this (strange) guy at Hobby Lobby when I was shopping for Christmas gift components and I thought he was...well....
So I present you with weird Santa man. Look! He's giving you a cupcake! :D I realize that makes him no less weird....
Now I must go get my Mom's Christmas present. So long folks! :)
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Sokka Christmas Cat Strikes Again!
Day 20 - Hmmm...something is amiss with this picture. What on Earth could it be? ;3
Now sing it with my now; One of these things is not like the other! One of these things doesn't belong! xP Sokka the Christmas Cat strikes again! My sister tried to pull him out from under the tree to bring him up to bed, but he just backed up even farther. My dad ended up scaring the bujeebers out of him to get him out. Poor Sokko-Taco. ;3
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Q is for Quiet...but not right now
Day 19 - Another picture of our tree after I played around with it in the photo manipulator program that came on my (new) computer. x3 I rather liked the angle of this shot along with how the ornaments were placed. And then I just messed around with the vigenette (whatever that may be...) to see what it did. I haven't posted a largely light photo before.
Alright, so two things that are bugging me right now:
1.) I was just skimming the episode list on wiki for Young Justice. I was trying not to actually read them because I only just finished the first season (in two days :p) so I'm still rather confused by the five year time skip. And what the heck happened to half the team from the first season?!?!?
So that was why I was 'skimming'. Actually, I was using the find command to look for Aqualad, Artemis, and Wally's names to see how long I would have to wait until I found out what happened to them in the last five years that to us viewers equals about, oh....ten minutes. ^-.-^
And then what do my eyes abruptly, forcibly, just latch on to? That Aqualad is evil?!?!? That Artemis dies?!???? Are you freaking kidding me?!??!?!?! Aghhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! *continue frustrated scream...*
Ahem...alright, so I may be suffering from sudden cartoon-related frustration. But why is it that writers feel the need to corrupt and kill characters after they went through so much trouble to ensure that we liked them?!
Now to be fair, I can't exactly say I am innocent of causing this frustration. I am almost constantly writing. Or thinking about writing. Or ironing out stories and characters in my head. And I have killed characters before. Not because I hate them, or suddenly find them useless, but because I am trying not to let my innate desire for everything to turn out peachy keen override the inescapable fact that not everything that happens is 'good'. What can I say? I have a problem dealing with the wrongness found in the world.
But still. Writers killing characters they made us love rankles me as a viewer/reader. I don't like it. To be blunt-
It bugs me. }:(
Agh! And then I am faced with the internal dilemma of 'Do I keep watching this show despite knowing that something horrifying is about to happen?' or 'Forget this, I'm going to find something that won't make me feel like all people are heartless monsters'.
....*insert more frustrated grumblings here*
Well, I have no answers (and my very silly Dad and Mom have made me laugh so hard that I think I drooled a little on the blanket...) so moving on to numero 2) I have not been able to write anything substantial ever since I got this new computer, so almost a full week. And I know it doesn't sound that long to you, but a full week without any really focused writing is enough to drive me a little bit loco. So...that may also be feeding into my high annoyance at the whole heros-going-inexplicably-crazy thing. Everything seems ten times more annoying/horrible when I can't write...
......okay, so, I feel a little bit better. Although I think Dad's ability to pull strange and random faux-truths out of thin air regarding Aqualad helped in that regard. That and his truly terrible Woody Woodpecker laugh. I swear it sounded like the Penguin trying to laugh like Woody. And not a Penguin from a well-done Batman movie. I mean Adam West Penguin. It was great. :)
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Mickey and Minnie's Display
Day 18 - Well, it was good while it lasted, but alas, I am behind again. Oh well. I went to the mall today in search of some elusive Christmas presents for my Mom and my lil Sis. Unfortunately I only succeeded on one account and even that isn't, eh, 'finished'. n_n;
Anyway, this was the window display for the Disney Store. Isn't it cute? :) I've always thought Minnie and Mickey were adorable and this only confirms my suspicions. ;3
Monday, December 17, 2012
Finally Caught Up! Whew!
Day 17 - Woohoo! With this I am finally caught up on my picture a day venture! Yay! Even though, technically, it's one in the mroning and therefore a new day where I must post a picture so I'm still, technically again, a day behind, I don't care! I haven't gone to sleep yet therefore, I am caught up. Period.
As you can see Sokka the Christmas Cat returns! In all his lazy-feline glory...wee?
;p Nah, I love him, even though he's a lazy furball, he's our lazy furball. And he's soft. That goes a long way when you're a cat. :)
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Three Little Carolers
Day 16 - Three little carolers and their lantern propped up in someone's yard. This may sound strange but I kinda hope they weren't home when I took this. That would've been...a little strange... o.O
But I promise I'm not casing houses! xP They were just so cute. ;3
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Graduation Day!!!! :D
Day 15 - Graduation Day!!! HOORAY!!!!!!! :D I had no idea I would be this happy to graduate. I mean none. I was so nervous, especially about what comes next, but as soon as we stared filing into the theater it suddenly struck me that this was it. This was the day that most of me thought would never actually get here. You know how you have those goals that you're always actively working towards, but you just work at for so dang long, that you begin to think that you'll never actually make it? It was sort of like that.
People kept asking me what I was planning next and I would just look at them and go, "This was the plan. What do you mean what comes next?" n_n;
Anyway, yay for me! :D And we had a party afterwards with the family. Since it was a winter graduation I was afraid that no one would be able to make it, but in the end we had to ask for more seats at the restaurant. ;p
And I got a new computer!!! :DDDDDDDDD YIPPEEEEEEE!!!!!!
I can't tell you how excited I am about that, I really can't! But it was also so much fun just to sit and talk with all the grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins I never get to see. :) I really loved that part too. I kinda just want to go back in time and sit there some more and soak up that feeling of love and togetherness. <3
And now I have run out of coherent words. I'm sure more will slap me upside the head later on, but for now....Yay! :)
Mini-Grimmy Ascared! Dx
Day 14 - So this is actually yesterday's post, but my computer crashed on me and I had to get up obscenely earlier, so I didn't reboot it til now. Last night was the eve before Graduation. My graduation to be exact. And yes, this is how I felt. I was terrified.
Of course, now that I've actually graduated (o.O) I'm so excited I don't know what to do with myself, so this picture doesn't fit as well as it did last night. I'll have to post an exciting graduation photo to even it out. n_n
This is Mini-Grimmy, providing me an immense help by hiding under a table that's too small for her and staring in horror at a diploma, a graduation cap, and some textbooks in abject horror...
No, I am not kidding. Graduation to me pretty much equals the thought that the world is ending. It was just one of those things that I've been working towards for so long that a part of me didn't think the day would actually come. And when it did I didn't know what to do. So yeah.
P.S. - It was great though! I got to wear a pretty dress and walk across stage after hearing my name to get my diploma and my hood. I even graduated Magna Cum Laude! o.O Did not expect that. Although no one else in my family seems surprised....
Friday, December 14, 2012
Mini-Grimmy Asleep on Christmas Eve
Day 13 - My dear Mini-Grimmy sleeping near the tree on Christmas Eve. Just a little watercolor sketch I did with some watercolor pencils and field brushes. I know you can't really tell with her curled up under a blanket, but she's a child-sized mechanical dinosaur. And by child-sized, I mean she's about half a foot (maybe more) bigger then your average six year old.
Original image itself is only about 3x2 inches. Very small. But I'm rather attached to her. She's my sweet. And despite appearances she shares a lot in common with my little sister, who may or may not have earned the nickname 'Mini-Grimmy' first.... ^,,^
The blue thing she has tucked against her nose is a puggle named Topspin. My sister has one she bought at Botcon, hence his appearance here. Yes, he's fast asleep too. He's also a raucous snorer. I wouldn't be surprised if Santa's scared away just by that! ;3
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Neighborhood Christmas Wreath
*Yawn!* I'm gonna hit the hey. G'night!
Sokka the Christmas Cat
Unless you're my sister. Then you can wiggle/jerk/abscond him and he doesn't even twitch. I mean she dumps him on his back and holds him like a little furry baby and he only lays there with his paws curled up! He's a goofy furball alright.
I think I'm rambling now...
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
Day 10 - At least it should have been day 10. I got behind, as I'm sure those who dropped by these past few (x3 people looked! Yay!) found out. The above picture is something else I did. A Christmas Tree (in case you couldn't tell alreay...) It's sorta of mostly done because I'm using it as an another fanfiction cover, but now that I look at it I think it needs glitter. :) Yep. Definitely needs some glitter on it. I'll have to shiny it up tomorrow. :)
And just a note, I'm so very pleased/proud of you all! My last post had the most hits so far since I started this venture! o.O Cool! And here I was afraid no one would really like my personal work. n_n;
I need three more pictures to be all caught up. I took a few more yesterday and today and then I have a watercolor sketch I want to put it to see how it looks online. So I think I'll get another one or two up tonight, and then I guess the rest tomorrow. Although, tomorrow's going to be kinda busy... :(
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Muddling Through Cover - Unfiished
Day 9 - I took some photos today, but I didn't like them. So instead I went and found this. It's an unfinished painting of mine that I'm using as a cover to a fanfiction of mine called Muddling Through. (Found Here if you're interested) I've worked on it some more since I took this photo, but I haven't had a chance to update it yet. The young woman is named Aria and yes, I know she still looks a little off, even though it took me forever just to get her looking this...human... n_n;
She's listening to Judy Garland's version of Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas. Which, incidentally, is the first recorded version of that song ever made. She sang it for her movie Meet Me In Saint Louie. I like it best because the last few lines of the song are different from the version you hear most of the time. It ends:
"Someday soon, we all will be together. If the fates allow. Until then we'll have to muddle through somehow. So have yourself a merry little Christmas now."
Hence the title of my story. :) Anyway, that's my favorite rendition. I like the detail the full size of the photo has so I'm going to post that next to save on room. :)
Merry Preemptive Christmas! :3
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Cute 'Lil Christmas Angels
Day 8
Today I present to you...cute little Christmas angel ornaments. :) I was just going to clean up the image, but then I stumbled upon this filter that made it look kind of vintage-y to me and I liked it, so I kept it.
All I did today was read Transformers stories, drink Diet Coke, and listen to Mumford & Sons. All in all it was an awesome day... :3
Friday, December 7, 2012
Prime's Ice Cream
Even Primes like ice cream. :P
Just an older snapshot I found from when my sister and I took the kreons to dinner. ;) I took quite a few pictures that night and I keep planning to string them together into a strange kind of story, but so far it hasn't happened yet. I still want to do it, so I think it'll get done, with 'eventually' being the imperative word there.
Out of all of the old pictures I found this one just made me the happiest. He looks like he's really about to dive in. And given his kreon size, he probably could....
Good night for real this time.
Pretty Christmas in Pink
Some rather pink looking lights and ornament. Tinted in photo impressions. I like pink...
So another wonderously awful day. Yeah, 'nuff said really. I want to put up a photo of Wheeljack today, but I don't know if I have any good ones left. I'll probably look through my photos again, but I honestly can't remember what's in them right now...
I'm going to try and write something sickly cute to try and make myself feel better. G'night.
P.S. - Blahhh.....
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Wheeljack's Mini-Adventure

Wheeljack: Now, where are those instruction manuals.... :D
Wheeljack overlooks the local Barnes & Nobel. I think he's wondering where the instruction manuals are, especially for laptops. He's was eyeing mine a few weeks ago and it hasn't been the same since. Makes me wonder what he did to it... -.- I'm on to you Jack...I'm on to you...
Of course, I love him anyway, so....there's that. :)
Christmas Cakes
Day 6
A batch of Christmas cakes at the grocery store! They were so cute! xP Definitely cute enough to eat. ;3 My sister and I got one of the penguin ones to split. Haven't tasted it yet, but it looks yummy. :P *licks lips* Yum.
Tomorrow; I paint! Yay me! I'm excited. Nothing more to really say except enjoy your virtual cake.
Goodnight! ;P
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
The (not so little or tin) Solider
Day...5? I think....
Anyway, I went to the park today and painted for awhile. I started working on a painting of this cute little nutcracker ornament I have (not shown above) in my new watercolor sketchbook. He's looking pretty good if I do say so myself. Hopefully I'll either get him finished tomorrow or Friday, depending on when I can get to school. I saw they had these art pens in the bookstore (not just any black ink pens; black ink pens with waterproof Indian ink I believe! :) Yay! So much easier then me using my fancy calligraphy pen and an inkwell!) and I want to try 'em so bad! That and the school got in some nice looking linoleum too. Sweet! x)
I also have to go get my remaining graduation announcements and my cap and gown came in, so I need to get up there anyway. I'm hoping to use the school studio a few more times before I graduate too, since no one's in them anyway and I have to go up a few more days for graduation stuffs, so I might as well take advantage of the free space while I can. :) The studios share a building with professor/academic offices, so the building's already open, and they keep the large studios unlocked, so I don't feel like I'm abusing the system. Very much anyway... n_n;
I kid, I kid. Anyway, thank you for the nine hits yesterday! This may sound somewhat sad, but that was a nice big spike for me and I enjoyed it! I guess the message is clear. The Internet Audience is looking for Christmas pictures now. Guess I'd better look for some more interesting ones. :)
Have a good nights peeps! Lol, I can't believe I just said that. X3
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
A Christmas Angel
Day 4 - A Christmas Angel near the top of the tree. Notice she's not the Chrismas Angel. I'll have to get one of her later.
One of my mom's friends asked me to watch her dogs while she goes on vacation over Christmas which is very nice since she pays nicely. :) Her doggies are sweet too and I feel bad when one of their names keeps escaping my mind. O.o But it's Lorney! LorneyLorneyLorney! Maybe if I write it down I'll remember it better.
:) Hope you're all having a good day! And that it actually feels like Christmas wherever it is you are...
Monday, December 3, 2012
Eis Cafe Pinocchio
Day - 3
A cute little Eis Cafe in...Hilmsen I believe? "Eis" is the German word for ice cream. It was really good too. :P People kept staring at me because I was standing there painting the hanging sign in watercolors and they were all wondering what I was doing. I guess even for a tourist I'm strange. :)
I love the resolution of this photo! Click on it for the original (beautiful) image. x)
A cute little Eis Cafe in...Hilmsen I believe? "Eis" is the German word for ice cream. It was really good too. :P People kept staring at me because I was standing there painting the hanging sign in watercolors and they were all wondering what I was doing. I guess even for a tourist I'm strange. :)
I love the resolution of this photo! Click on it for the original (beautiful) image. x)
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Candy Wars
And now for some silliness. :)



And thus is the story of why we started hiding candy instead of leaving it out on the kitchen table within easy reach of pests-I mean! Of guests. ;3
I must now finish a painting for shipping. Goodnight. :)
Violet-Green-Powder Blue Christmas Lights :)
Anyway, I was just playing around and I really liked the mix of colors in this one, so I kept it.
I was trying to break in my new watercolor sketchbooks that I got for my birthday, but the first little metal dinosaur that came out of my watercolor pencil looked...wonky.
Some of you stopped at the words 'little metal dinosuar', but that's okay. You'll meet her soon enough I'm sure...
Anyway, I hope your having a lovely Sunday. And that the weather is cooler wherever you are then it is here. I went out in a skirt and sandals and I'm still hot! Aghhh! Christmas weather come soooon!!!!! T.T
Photo - Day 2
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Christmas Tree Lights
Christmas tree lights off of my family's new tree. Day started off good, turned weepy, and the lights are pretty. The pictures didn't come out quite like I hoped, but I think this one came out best. I'll put more up later. Since I've got so many photos just sitting on my camera from this year (and since my computer won't read my sd card for easy downloads) I figured I might try posting a photo or so a day to lighten my camera's load...we'll see how it goes.
I hope you like Christmas lights. And had a better day then me.
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