Day 39-40: It's time to party like an Autobot! Just deposited my graduation checks (finally...) and some prize money I got for winning second place in an essay contest (I'm still pretty excited about that :3). And you know what that means? I'll tell you what it means! It means that my sister and I finally went and reserved a hotel room for Botcon!
We're going to Botcon this summer!!!!!!! YAYYYYY!!!
Aaaand...this is how I feel about that. :)
So yeah, the highlight of my day. Now I'm just kind of praying that nothing goes wrong. :_ Because that would be...close to soul crushing really. I'm really looking forward to this. Now that I'm done with school, every time I think about my future it's like looking into a big blank space of nothingness. No purpose. No immediate goals. No point really....
It stinks.
So I guess it's just nice to have something really fun and nerdy to look forward to. And I get to share it with my little sister. n_n; If we keep going on like this we'll have something of a Botcon tradition. And things always seem to look better when you have someone to have fun with instead of just pallin' around with me, myself, and I.
That and we can freak out over meeting Gregg Berger (the voice of Grimlock) together. They haven't released the final guest list yet for the convention (so we don't completely know if he's coming) but we have great hope that he'll be at Botcon this summer. And I can't wait to see who else is gonna come! I'm so getting an autograph band! :D I think I'm going to bring the picture I got autographed last summer and add more signatures to that. ;3 By the end of I'll be proud to have it hanging on my wall for all to see!
And it's such a nice looking hotel too! Maybe it's because we reserved a room early - or maybe it's some kind of attendee discount Botcon's got going on - but it was the same price for the largest room with two beds as it was for a not-as-fancy-looking room with only one. So cool! Sleeping in style!
Now we just have to work on those plane tickets...hmmm......