My vacation officially started this morning! At like...five-fifty this morning, but still. ;3
My sister and I were ecstatic to arrive in sunny San Diego and man is it beautiful. I mean, back home in Houston, you walk outside at your own peril. I mean you could soak your shirt in sweat without doing anything other than walking around the neighborhood.
And here it's so different! It's cool and breezy and the air outside the airport smelled just the slightest bit like salt water. :) It was really cool in every single way possible! And the land! IT MOVES! What is this land undulation that I see before me?! Is the ground broken? Is that why they have so many earthquakes around here? And what are these 'hills' that people keep talking about...
Oh! Oh! Oh! And guess what we just did! Guess! Guess! Guess!
We just got back from watching the Transformers movie (the live action one from 2007) in the hotel rose garden (they have rose gardens! :D And the roses are the size of my face! o.O They're huge!) and five of the Botcon guests were there. Wheeljack and Shockwave's voice actors from Prime, Wally Burr and Jason Jenson from the G1 80's universe, and Glenn Morshower from the live action movies! They were taking pictures with guests before the movie started and it was such a surprise cause I didn't expect to see them there! I asked Sarah if she wanted to take a picture with them, but she was too shy. I wanted to get my picture taken with them though, but I was too nervous to go up and ask. n_n; We both kinda chickened out...
There were some technical problems with the movie, but it turned out to be even more awesome because of it. It started working just fine and people all cheered when Optimus started talking, but then the picture blinked out. :0 We could still hear it though, and my sister told me it almost didn't matter because she knew everything that was going on just from hearing what was going on. ;P I thought it was funny because I was doing the same thing.
Then the picture came back! Yay! Then it immediately disappeared and took the sound with it! Boo!
But then Glenn Morshower got up and said, "I'll just act out the rest for you guys. 'You will land or we will kill you.'"
XD It was great! It was so great I don't even know what it was! XD
The movie itself was awesome too. I know I've seen it a hundred times, but it was so much more fun when all the other people were cheering when their favorite bots appeared on screen, or when they were all reciting the best lines of the movie. Sarah said it was great being surrounded by 'our people'.
I laughed at her and said she was weird. But then I was forced to admit that she had a point, so...go geeky me! And yay for crowds of Transfans! Woohoo! It was fantastic! Let's go again! Let's go again! :D It was better then chocolate!
Well...okay, so it tied with chocolate. n_n;
And tomorrow morning we're going to get to go to the convention itself! YAY! Tomorrow we're going to get more puggle friends and Transformers and autographs and panels! Hooray!!!!
I also think that my lil sis and I may have ridden in an elevator with Steve Blum....but I'll have to get back to you on that. Needless to say, when we realized why the elevator guy may have seemed so familiar, we both freaked out. Made worse by the fact that we're not absolutely sure it even was him in the first place...
Hopefully tomorrow we'll find out! Or at least get the real Starscream's autograph... ;3
It's getting late, so I'll have to put pictures up here a little later. But if you want to get a little taste of Botcon now, you can check out my Twitter feed. I'm so excited about it all that I've been tweeting more today then I have in the past six months....guess I'm not exactly a micro-blogger. n_n;