ep3YarzshUHJVIj7Y3N5RfH0-BI Rose's Thoughts: July 2013

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

One Very Special Botcon Photo!

Day 41: Check it out! Check it out! Check it out! CHECK IT OUT!!

That's me! Me and my sister! Me and my sister in an awesome Prowl hat! Me and my sister in an awesome Prowl hat AT BOTCON!

I was cruising through the image gallery on Botcon's website because they had recently put up all their official pictures and I was beginning to miss that amazing feeling of being at Botcon. I was looking through the Saturday pictures, peering in the corners to see if maybe they had taken a picture and accidentally gotten Sarah and I in the crowd.

Nothing. Not even in the ridiculously long line that sprung up Saturday morning for general admission. (We had breakfast in that line and no, we were not in the back of the line. Yay! xP)

So I clicked on Sunday, my peepers ready to peer into more photo corners and then BAM! There we were! It was so cool that I ran up shouting, "SARAH SARAH SARAH!" I was so excited that she thought I was coming to tell her that Steve Blum had called or something. n_n; Which of course would have been cool,  but very very odd...

Anyway that's us! And it's cool! And totally unexpected! Which makes it even better! :)

And dang we've got long hair.....o.O