ep3YarzshUHJVIj7Y3N5RfH0-BI Rose's Thoughts: Castle in the Clouds

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Castle in the Clouds

An attempt to recreate one of the most classic fairy tales, Cinderella, and the magic that enshrouds her. I hope you enjoy a taste of the just created beginning.

A Castle in the Clouds

            She used to have the most exquisite dreams.
            There was always a castle, and then something strange would happen, like a fairy appearing in a shower of magic dust, or one of the garden pumpkins turning into a shining carriage or the mice standing up on two feet and talking to her; and then after a lot of dancing, the dream would have a happy ending and she would wake up with the most beautiful feeling in the world. That she was beautifully loved.
            But nowadays it was only a dream.
            Now she woke up feeling tired and sore, every muscle in her body aching from the work her so called sisters put her through each and every day.
            “At least they didn’t make me snake the drain yesterday.” She thought dimly as she lay there in bed a moment.
            Then she sighed. “And that’s my very first thought of the day. Brilliant.”
            She dressed without sound, since of course there were no talking mice, much less anyone else she could talk to this early in the morning up in the attic. She stamped her feet to shake off the cold and promptly tripped over the broom she had dropped on the floor last night. She stumbled against the rickety bed frame, one hand clapping automatically over her mouth so she wouldn’t shriek and wake the house.
            But luck was with her today. She fell over onto what passed for her mattress without anything more than a muffled squeak. She lay there stiffly for a moment, waiting to see if her hawk of a step-mother had heard anything.
            But the house remained asleep.
            The girl relaxed against her bed, hand finally leaving her mouth as she took a deep breath. She shivered into the thin blankets, but as much as she just wanted to lay there and go back to sleep, she knew she couldn’t. She didn’t want to risk attracting her step-mother’s attention today of all days.
            So after a moment she pushed herself off the bed. It squeaked and creaked even from her thin weight and when she had found her feet again, there were imprints left in her cracked skin from the sharp bedsprings.
            Feeling weary and sore, she went over and opened the shutters, despite the chill outside, and leaned against the windowsill. For a long moment she looked out at the sleeping winter town spread out below her.
            Everything was white and silver. Snow rested on the rooftops. Doves rested under the eaves and gables of the little town’s houses. And off in the distance, sparkling as cleanly as the fresh fallen snow, stood the palace from her dreams.
            It rose, tall and inspiring, against the bright blue of the sky, stretching for what seemed like miles in silver grandeur. It was the most beautiful place in the capital city of Tremaine, and she rather thought that it was the probably the most beautiful thing in the world.
            “At least the palace is real.” She thought from where she leaned against the windowsill.
            Early morning mist blew off of the large fresh water lake that rested behind the palace, unseen. The mist swirled in front of the palace, obscuring it’s foundations and grounds, making it look like it was floating on top of a sea of clouds with nothing but sky underneath it.
            “Because that’s all it really is,” the girl whispered to the doves nesting under her own house’s eaves, “a castle in the clouds.”
            She knew she was mixing metaphors, but to her mind that didn’t really matter.
            Because all that mattered in the end was the broom lying at her feet.
            She sighed dejectedly. Her breath created a little puff of white in the chill morning air. Winter was coming to a close, but spring was slow in coming this year and it was still cold outside this early in the morning. With a little shiver, she turned away from the window. Resigned, she picked up the broom still on the floor and headed downstairs to start on her never ending chores.
            Behind her the window remained open, the palace resting in the far off clouds, coated in the silver mist of the morning.

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