Needless to say, I was not amused at that because I thought he looked cute. Maybe a bit more like a youngling than the adult we all know and love, but still. Anyway, then I showed dad and he was the one that went, "Yeah, it looks like Bumblebee. Why'd you ask?" So that was a relief. Unfortunately my self doubt bugs me and so I have come to you.
Mind you this idea came to me as a Christmas gag, so 'Bee has a Christmas bow on his head. n_n; Yeah, yeah, goofy I know, but I think it's cute. So there. :p Anyway, this is one above is one of those shiny bows you buy in a bag from the grocery store...
But here's one with a more normal bow with two loops on each side. I decided to try something new because my sister kept saying my first bow looked like a flower...humph. I figure I can color this one red and green to get across that Christmas-y feeling.
Sooo...yeah. It's a weird request. I know. But I'm going to put a link of this request to my viewers of my TF story, so I'm going to assume (hope - desperately, fervently hope) that you're all used to it! :D So please, feel free to drop me some advice, help, your likes and everything else.
And speaking of weird. You've just got to see this. I Googled images of Bumblebee to get a better idea of what his head looked like (and I never would have guessed I'd be saying that sentence this morning) and, you know, I found a crazy amount of pictures of elementary school boys wearing Bumblebee Halloween costumes. It was a little weird, but they are elementary kids. Last year, my fourth grade sister went as Sailor Moon. I did her hair. It was awesome. That's all I'm saying.
But then I found this...
Yeah, it's a 'Bee costume for girls.
...I guess I have nothing more to say to that.
And just becuase I'm posting lots of strange pictures right now. This is whst my sister's (yes, the same sister who went as Sailor Moon) cat, Sokka, did practically all weekend.

And yes, that is my previously clean laundry. Ah well, I guess it's still wearable. He's doesn't shed all that much and at least these aren't my white clothes. *Sigh* This proves I'm a cat person. If the dog had done this I would have flipped out. Mainly because she chews EVERYTHING!!!
GASP! Speaking of my-dog-and-things-she-chews-even-though-she-knows-she's-not-supposed-to you'll never guess what she sunk her puppy teeth into a few weeks ago. My block! My linoleum block that I carved to print ink images with as a form of art work. She chewed my freaking art! AGHHHHHHHHH! I swear I have never wanted to hit her before but that did it!
I didn't of course. Are you kidding? I wouldn't do that. She's our puppy and I love her but THIS IS WHY I AM A CAT PERSON!
I took pictures of the devastation, but I'll post them later. I feel self conscious for the amount of pictures I've posted as it is. And besides, this was supposed to be a call for help on my first attempt at Bumblebee. So please. Help!
n_n Later!
I think he looks cute too. He's a giant metallic robot, of course he's going to look a bit bulky. It might help though if the rest of his body was finished. The difference in line weights is making him seem disproportionate and therefore chubby. Finish it up (not coloring though, just the pencil lines) and post some pictures and see what kind of response you get to that.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, have you heard of Deviantart? It's a wonderful place for those with artsy habits.