ep3YarzshUHJVIj7Y3N5RfH0-BI Rose's Thoughts: E. Aster Bunnymund's Warren

Monday, February 4, 2013

E. Aster Bunnymund's Warren

Day 26 - So the day that was supposed to be the day after Christmas isn't too soon to post something Easter related is it? ;3

As you may or may not have been able to tell from the title, this is the home of one E. Aster Bunnymund. But you probably know him better as the Easter Bunny. :3 He just made his newest debut in Rise of the Guardians, but it turns out that a series of books came out first (I don't know why I'm surprised since pretty much everything is based off of books nowadays. I'm not complaining exactly, just wondering why I'm surprised.)

The books are written by William Joyce who, amazingly enough, was also a producer of the movie. I thought that was nice; the author getting to work on the movie based on his own characters. There's no stranger introduced that might mess up the original feel of the character and the world. I'm not ashamed to admit that I am rather jealous of Mr. Joyce. n_n

So I really loved how they handled all the different homes of the Guardians, but I was most impressed with Bunnymund's warren. No really thinks about where the Easter Bunny lives after all (or at least I never did) and they managed to make the warren look like it belonged to their Mister Gruff-Tuff-Bunnymund and be all pretty and filled with springtime.

....and I never thought I'd ever say the words 'filled with springtime' before...

The above is a watercolor I started a few weeks ago. Actually, I think it's the first one I started this year so Woohoo! Way cool! I'm pretty excited to try my hand at those giant stone eggs guarding the path, but right now I think it needs some color. Actually, make that oodles of color. I think a slather of marching Easter eggs will help brighten things up. That and some flowers. Yes, I think a half oodle of flowers will be very nice. Especially in that drape of greenery hanging in the background.

However let me just say that I really love how that mossy rock came out on the left side. I mean LOVE!!! I was hoping it would come out well (I don't think I've ever tried my hand at moss and rocks before...) but it actually looks like moss on a rock! It makes me happy!! ~<3 Yay!

I have the lingering feeling that I wanted to say something more, but I'm rather tired. My Grandpa's been sick these last few weeks. I mean, first he was in the hospital for pneumonia in one lung. Then he had to go back a few days after he left with pneumonia in the other lung (which is even more uncool then usual because doctors had to take out about 3/4ths of one of his lungs a couple decades ago because he had lung cancer). I think that's the trip they discovered he had some kind of fungal infection in his lungs. Now that just sounds completely nasty. I mean seriously. Bleck! And then yesterday his blood sugar was high all day (he's a type I diabetic like me). It was so high that his meter maxed out and just said HI at first, but eventually it came down and lingered in the four hundreds. My poor Grandpa. He must have felt so gross...

Oh but it gets better! It turns out that the breathing treatment causes hallucinations in about three out of a thousand or so people.

"Well it's four now." My Grandma said when my mom looked up that oh so nifty fact for her. n_n;

But Grandma said he was doing much better today - no seeing things that aren't there - so that's muy muy bueno. I'm am so amazing glad that he's doing better.

But I think that's all for now. Please tell me what you think of the beginnings of my painting. And to Tracy Kruse, my newest follower (:D!) Thanks a lot! That's really cool of you. :) I feel all happy and accomplished right now. :3

So, um, yeah, I guess that's it. Yay - me excited - me now going to do nothing for awhile and look through pictures...and stop referring to myself in the third person.....

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