ep3YarzshUHJVIj7Y3N5RfH0-BI Rose's Thoughts: An Art Gorilla Student in the Trenches

Saturday, December 17, 2011

An Art Gorilla Student in the Trenches

Okay, so perhaps I should explain myself now that I'm not feeling so cryptic.

So the ending line of that first impressions post? My mom actually suggested it as the name of my blog, and I thought it sounded cool, so I kept it, just in smaller form. It will probably crop back up every once in awhile when I'm feeling frustrated. But just so you know, this is a venting rant to help me feel better. Air my feelings and all that. Although I do think someone out there will identify with what I'm talking about.

So if you're into art, any kind of art - dancing, painting, writing, rebuilding antique car engines, anything - then you know what a slump is. Writer's block, lose your tools because you threw it across the room and it slid under the far cabinet, moody muses that just up and abandon you for no apparent reason (brats); that sort of thing.

It's like being in a freakin' trench.

My latest example; this sequel I'm trying to write for my story I Lost A World!. (I'm going to take an educated guess here and say that most people reading this have been referred over from Fanfiction.net where I've been posting my stories (I'm just saying, I did some self advertising; it seems like pretty good odds) so I'll just say that it's a Transformers fanfic with my surprisingly well liked original character, Aria Rhapsody Johnson (I'm so proud of her name. :3) and right now I'm only one chapter post away from finishing the story, which is so sad. *hic hic*)

Wow, so that was a long winded explanation. Anyway, I really liked Aria and how she interacted with all the bots and it was such fun. So, naturally Aria kept bugging me. "Write more! Write more!" She tells me. So I started writing more.

And then she up and left me!

*Insert aggravated sigh here*

I wanted to kick her butt. But of course, she just ran away laughing at me, leaving me in that thrice dratted trench.

Do you know how aggravating that is? I wanted to scream!

Anyway, I somehow managed to climb out of it (maybe that's why I'm feeling not so cryptic now) and right now I'm chasing her. I'm almost done writing chapter four, so hooray! I feel all better, and free! Free to write and chase Aria so that I can duck tape her to the floor and use her as ransom. If I can't find the bots hiding the story line then I'll just make them both come to me. Right?

So whatcha think? Is that a great idea or what?

...okay, so maybe a fragged off Ironhide bursting down the door doesn't make this such a good plan after all...

But hey, at least I'm finally out of that trench.


1 comment:

  1. Glad you got your muse back, no matter how hard she was to catch! I'm really excited for this sequel, I love your writing and stories very much. The only thing I have a problem with is picturing Aria. I can't get how she looks into my head! Since your an art major do you think you could draw us a picture? It would be much appreciated and I could enjoy your story a lot more ;)
