ep3YarzshUHJVIj7Y3N5RfH0-BI Rose's Thoughts: The Long Road Home Excerpt

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Long Road Home Excerpt

So this is has to do with my Transformers fanfiction called The Long Road Home. I haven’t updated in forever so this is to let all my readers know that I haven’t fallen off the story or anything and that I have been writing these last three months.
So, if any of you out there are interested in really cool (if I do say so myself) Transformers stories, then feel free to drop by my Fanfiction.net profile. The link is the middle circle at the top left of the page. Just hold your mouse over the circle with the two stars you see up there and click the very center. If you hold your mouse over that it should say something like ‘My Writing’. Hope I sucker some of you in. :) I always enjoy hearing from new readers. <3

Alright guys so I’m posting this as a promise. A promise that come Hell or high water, next Tuesday I will be posting the next chapter of LRH next Tuesday. Ya hear that. Chapter 27 will be posted Tuesday April 2. And rest assured that despite the three months without news, I have been writing. Actually, I’ve been writing my fingertips off these last three months.
*Completely worn out, bone weary, dear-Lord-above-will-I-ever-be-actually-finished-with-this-chapter sigh.*
Think about that. I’ve been writing so much that I no longer have any fingertips.
^-.-^ *Serious face*
But there’s still more good news! I was so determined to post this battle scene all in one go that I promised myself that I wouldn’t post it until the whole scene was completely written out.
So I started writing.
And one long chapter became two longer chapters.
And then two chapters became three.
And then suddenly three became four and I realized “Holy cow this is really freaking long.”
O.o Like oh. my. goodness.
But today I finally polished off the third chapter and made it two pages into the fourth! XD YES!!!!! *Feels so accomplished!*
And, more good news for you, only a few days after chapter 27, I’ll be posting chapter 28 as a reward for your such wonderfully patient waiting these last…nervous cough…three months…
And then I’m going to try (try try try so very freakishly ridiculouslyhard) and get back on schedule for posting every Tuesday. And if not every Tuesday then every other Tuesday or something like that. I really hope it works….
o.o; *so nervous* 
Anyway, so to get you excited for the coming onslaught of fanfictiony goodness I am posting an excerpt of the upcoming chapter. And in case your wondering about the week between this excerpt and the actual posting, I’m hoping that I can finish the fourth chapter by the end of the week so that there won’t be any really long, really cruel delays between all the suspenseful-ness. :)
That and I’m hoping to get your attention so that you’ll all be just as excited about reading it as I am about putting it up.
Right, so, here is an excerpt for the Chapter 27: The Battle of Tyger Pax (Part I) I hope you enjoy it and can’t wait for the whole thing! :3
            Aria went to pull the trigger, but something went wrong. For some reason she didn’t have time to figure out, the stronger ‘con suddenly turned around-
            -and immediately spied Aria hunkered down in the blown out window.
            “Oh slag-” Aria swore, automatically taking the shot.
            It went wide, but that didn’t stop the lead ‘con from shoving his partner away. “Down!” He roared, throwing himself in the other direction as Aria’s bullet pierced the wall that had been between the two of them.
            The lead Decepticon opened fire before he even hit the ground and Aria rolled as soon as she saw his arm start to morph. She felt the shadow from a chunk of rubble fall across her as she rolled behind it and she threw her arms over her head in case more decided to join it on the floor.
            She held her breath as a slurry of plasma fire slammed into the side of the building, making it shake to its foundation, or what was left of them anyway. That part of Aria that was sure that the building was about to drop down on top of her started screaming her head off, but only a short shriek actually managed to wrangle its way out her mouth. She expected the firing to stop after the initial volley, but the Decepticon didn’t let up. Aria thought he must be determined to waste his ammo, but then dust began to shake down off of the partial roof.
            She looked past her forearms, squinting to try and keep the dust out of her eyes, but forgot about the stupid dust a moment later when her eyes went wide with fear. Above her, the hairline fractures in the metal ceiling’s remains had started to broaden into dangerous, unstable fissures.
            That slagger was trying to shake the roof down on top of her! Aria realized. He was going to crush her under this derelict of a building!
            With another muffled swear, Aria rolled sharply left onto her stomach, trying to push herself up so she could get to the stairs before the squishing started.
            She might as well have tried to jump to Moon Base One. Already shards of ceiling were starting to drop. Aria darted sideways to avoid one, realizing that an avalanche wouldn’t be far behind.
            “Got to get out!” Her mind screamed frantically as she looked around at the shaking building. “Got to get out! Got to get out!
            “But how?!” 

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