ep3YarzshUHJVIj7Y3N5RfH0-BI Rose's Thoughts: Halloween Dawn Over Iacon

Friday, October 19, 2012

Halloween Dawn Over Iacon

I was painting in the studio today (because there aren't any classes in there on Fridays and the place is practically deserted :D Yay for me!) and I was struck with the urge to actually do something with the little things that I've painted in my sketchbook.

So here for some fun is a little painting I did to try and get me writing a Halloween story for, well, Halloween. And I still need to get a move on if I want it finished in time....

Anyway, this is a little sketch of a violet-orange dawn over Iacon. Done with watercolor pencils and watercolors in a, you guessed it, watercolor sketchbook. I don't know what kind of paper they used to make it.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to read your Halloween story. The colors of your sunrise look awesome! Can't wait to see the finished watercolor too.
