ep3YarzshUHJVIj7Y3N5RfH0-BI Rose's Thoughts: Mini-Grimmy Asleep on Christmas Eve

Friday, December 14, 2012

Mini-Grimmy Asleep on Christmas Eve

Day 13 - My dear Mini-Grimmy sleeping near the tree on Christmas Eve. Just a little watercolor sketch I did with some watercolor pencils and field brushes. I know you can't really tell with her curled up under a blanket, but she's a child-sized mechanical dinosaur. And by child-sized, I mean she's about half a foot (maybe more) bigger then your average six year old.


Original image itself is only about 3x2 inches. Very small. But I'm rather attached to her. She's my sweet. And despite appearances she shares a lot in common with my little sister, who may or may not have earned the nickname 'Mini-Grimmy' first.... ^,,^

The blue thing she has tucked against her nose is a puggle named Topspin. My sister has one she bought at Botcon, hence his appearance here. Yes, he's fast asleep too. He's also a raucous snorer. I wouldn't be surprised if Santa's scared away just by that! ;3

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