ep3YarzshUHJVIj7Y3N5RfH0-BI Rose's Thoughts: Q is for Quiet...but not right now

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Q is for Quiet...but not right now

Day 19 - Another picture of our tree after I played around with it in the photo manipulator program that came on my (new) computer. x3 I rather liked the angle of this shot along with how the ornaments were placed. And then I just messed around with the vigenette (whatever that may be...) to see what it did. I haven't posted a largely light photo before.

Alright, so two things that are bugging me right now:

1.) I was just skimming the episode list on wiki for Young Justice. I was trying not to actually read them because I only just finished the first season (in two days :p) so I'm still rather confused by the five year time skip. And what the heck happened to half the team from the first season?!?!?

So that was why I was 'skimming'. Actually, I was using the find command to look for Aqualad, Artemis, and Wally's names to see how long I would have to wait until I found out what happened to them in the last five years that to us viewers equals about, oh....ten minutes. ^-.-^

And then what do my eyes abruptly, forcibly, just latch on to? That Aqualad is evil?!?!? That Artemis dies?!???? Are you freaking kidding me?!??!?!?! Aghhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! *continue frustrated scream...*

Ahem...alright, so I may be suffering from sudden cartoon-related frustration. But why is it that writers feel the need to corrupt and kill characters after they went through so much trouble to ensure that we liked them?!

Now to be fair, I can't exactly say I am innocent of causing this frustration. I am almost constantly writing. Or thinking about writing. Or ironing out stories and characters in my head. And I have killed characters before. Not because I hate them, or suddenly find them useless, but because I am trying not to let my innate desire for everything to turn out peachy keen override the inescapable fact that not everything that happens is 'good'. What can I say? I have a problem dealing with the wrongness found in the world.

But still. Writers killing characters they made us love rankles me as a viewer/reader. I don't like it. To be blunt-

It bugs me. }:(

Agh! And then I am faced with the internal dilemma of 'Do I keep watching this show despite knowing that something horrifying is about to happen?' or 'Forget this, I'm going to find something that won't make me feel like all people are heartless monsters'.

....*insert more frustrated grumblings here*

Well, I have no answers (and my very silly Dad and Mom have made me laugh so hard that I think I drooled a little on the blanket...) so moving on to numero 2) I have not been able to write anything substantial ever since I got this new computer, so almost a full week. And I know it doesn't sound that long to you, but a full week without any really focused writing is enough to drive me a little bit loco. So...that may also be feeding into my high annoyance at the whole heros-going-inexplicably-crazy thing. Everything seems ten times more annoying/horrible when I can't write...

......okay, so, I feel a little bit better. Although I think Dad's ability to pull strange and random faux-truths out of thin air regarding Aqualad helped in that regard. That and his truly terrible Woody Woodpecker laugh. I swear it sounded like the Penguin trying to laugh like Woody. And not a Penguin from a well-done Batman movie. I mean Adam West Penguin. It was great. :)

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