ep3YarzshUHJVIj7Y3N5RfH0-BI Rose's Thoughts: The Plastic Forest & The Lost Prime

Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Plastic Forest & The Lost Prime

Day 22 - More Christmas merch from Hobby Lobby. As weird as it may sound I rather liked this picture, despite the extra large sale signs that sort of stand out like emergency sirens (^-.-^ Mrs. Mittens didn't like them very much either...)

I think what I liked best about the trees is that I think if I stood in the middle of them all it would feel kind of like standing in the middle of a forest. A perfumed, plasticky, not-very-piney forest but still.

Oh! Dad has just saved Kreon Optimus Prime from the depths of the couch! I didn't even know he was under there...

Me: o.O

OP: -.-

Me: I-I didn't even know you were lost...

OP: }:s

Me: I'm, uh....sorry?

OP: Mmm-hmmm....I'm telling Santa.

Me: O.O NOOOO! OP wait!!!!!

OP - }:p Ha ha! Teach you to leave me under that nasty couch! Oh, by the way, your lost socks say hello.

Me: o.o I thought the dryer ate them ages ago...


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